There are times when leaders are faced with difficult crises in their ministries or to employ, Henri Nouwen's language, when personal woundedness impacts our capacity to serve as instruments of God's healing. At Fairhaven counselling is focused on providing a safe listening presence where leaders can process, work through, and find encouragement, support, and healing in the midst of crises, unhealthy patterns
of thinking and behaving, and growth seasons of life. The goal of our pastoral counselling is to
support leaders in moving to a healthier space where Jesus' touch transforms pain into a resource that can inform. strengthen, and empower effective ministry and daily relationships. Life, as God
intended, is to be freed to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind
and strength and to love others as ourselves (Mark 12: 28–31). Discovering how Jesus is at work in the lives of leaders and nudging this forward is our desire!
Counselling at Fairhaven encompasses marriage and family life,
ministry setting and workplace, conflict, crisis, stress, burnout,
depression, grief, loss, addictions, transition and soul-care.